Monday, February 8, 2010

About Me.

18th January 2010, the day I first stepped into UTAR as an undergraduate.

This is a starting point of my journey to become an entrepreneur.

Tan Yee Wei, a name given by my parents to me 20 years ago. Here am I now doing my best in my studies to repay my parents' hardwork.

Friendly and outgoing is my first impression to others. Sincerity is what I always give to the people around me.

Singing, a talent which God has blessed me with.
Football, a sport which I am obsessed with.
Is socializing a hobby too? :P If yes, do count this in~ :D
Making friends is what I always do. Without friends around me, I'll die because of boredom.

Life in Kampar is really full of challenges. "Soothing" sunlight to my skin is making me tanner. Weather here can change with just a blink of eye from Hot Sun to Thunder Storm.
Tesco is the only supermarket nearest to the residential areas. For a better facilities and services, Ipoh will be the nearest alternative.
Therefore. online is the only way to kill time when there's nothing else better to do.

The top 5 websites that I visited the most :
1) Facebook - To keep in touch with my friends.
2) Youtube - To watch a short video.
3) Blog - To read other people's life story.
4) Wble - Allow me to download study materials.
5) Ultimate guitar - Allow me to view chords so that I can play my guitar.

The top 5 internet activities :
1) Facebook
2) Msn chat
3) Information search
4) Online games
5) Download study materials

Well, this is just a little about me. :)
I'll be very glad to be your friend so you can know more about me. :D
God Bless You.

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