Friday, February 26, 2010


Hi, everyone. My name is Tan Hu Khim. Nickname call John also can call me as Khim. It will more suitable for me. Hehe...

This is my first time learn how to post a blog as same as Ming. I came from KL and now study in UTAR which located in Kampar. Actually, it's also my new life for here. I got a lot of friends also studying in UTAR.

The weather here very hot and always don't know what it want. But, i will try to adopt it for 3 years then leave here as fast as possible. Or, i also will stay here if entire next time. HAHA... Just kidding.

Everyone has a hobby even is me. Errm... Actually i dunno what is my hobby because if there is a game then i also will try to join. So, i think my hobby is play a game no matter is what even sports or computer games.

There are 5 website that i always use :
Viwawa : Playing games. There are a lot of games. Hehe...
Facebook : See what are my friends doing, watch some videos.
GGYY8 : Watching comics.
Youtube : Watching videos.
Yahoo : Searching some materials.

The main 5 internet activities i involve:

Above of this is my little intoduction about me. If some of you got interest to know me, can add my contact in msn Thank you for reading my blog. ^^V

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