Monday, February 22, 2010

Hello~!The information about me.

My name is Yue Weng Loong,don't ask me why is Yue i got ask my father before,the answer is "i also don't know why just your grandfather gave like that.actually my name read as 'U' not in Chinese Yue is 'U'.weird right?

I'm a kind of person like to help people when they are calling me to help them,i always put friendship at the top place inside my heart more than family,because i think we more mix with friend and more related with friend.Even i know that some friend maybe using us to get somethings,but i also wont regret to make friend with he/she because i have nothing for them to take~!!

All people also living in the same place(earth),doing the same things(eating,sleeping),its not mean that people can do it but u can't do it,maybe some of them are smart but i strongly believe that if got hardworking and know to find the ways myself also can achieve/success.Even cannot still got many ways to go.

gender: male

age: 22

date of birth:27/10/1988

zodiac: scorpio

hobby: reading,online surfing,eating,chit-chatting

hometown: aulong

Below is the top 5 website i most use;

1)Youtube-download/watching video people has been posting/song MV.

2)Facebook-main purpose is posting commend,photo,video/chatting and games.

3)Google-searching materials,websites,pictures,musics and so on.

4)Blogger-write personal blog(when free) and assignment =.=

5)tom365-download new anime,movie and so on.

The top 5 web site i most Like;





That the little information about me,not much but if want more detail can msn me to b a friend XD

Thank You

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